Decora <3

Här kommer min trendbibel. Eller ja, jag brukar i alla fall följa en del tips och tycker det är roligt att få inspiration. Läs ni också om ni vill (tyvär är min engelska så sugig att jag inte kan översätta ..)

Decora is a Japanese fashion style also known as "Dekora" or "Decorer". Its followers are called "Decora-chan". Decora style consists of bright colors, wild hair clips and bows, and tons of layering and accessories. The accessories include plastic toys and jewelry, which click together and make noise as the wearer moves. The style is sometimes mistakenly called "Fruits-style" by people not from Japan.

  1. Don't be afraid to go to thrift stores or shop at cheap stores at the mall. Decora thrives on layers, which means having a full closet with lots of versatile items such as cardigans, hoodies, and tank tops.
  2. Experiment with cute fabrics- browse fabric stores for cute pattern and frill and create your own skirts, tanks or pants.
  3. Shopping online is huge for a non-Japanese Decora, and to get good deals. Stores such as, and are good staring points.
  4. Don't go out wearing Decora until you have enough accessories and layers to fit your tastes. It will look very incomplete.
  5. Search for glitter eyeshadow and sticker tattoos- anything that will make you brighter.
  6. This step is HUGE- Put clips, extensions and bows in your hair. The more the better. You may buy some from, or many sellers on sell adorable hair accessories.
  7. Wear colorful arm bangles and necklaces. Wear a ton. Make sure they co-ordinate with the colors of your clothes.
  8. Layer, layer, layer. This is what really brings the Decora look together. In winter, layer t-shirts with sweaters, hoodies, and cute jackets. For the summer, stay cool while still looking cool and Decora by layering several tank tops with different cute colors and prints. Skirts are great for Decora because they can be layered well with tops, leggings, pants, and many other great items - try bright tulle skirts or colorful short skirts, layered with cute brightly colored leggings or stockings.
  9. To help prevent burning out peoples eyes and even more rude comments, put your outfit up on a LJ or similar community for Decora to get feedback.
  10. Carry plushies or small toys if you want to go more extreme - plushies and small plastic toys are very integral to the Decora look in Japan. Extreme Decora-chans will often wear many small toys from a belt or necklace so that they click together and make noise as you move. Backpacks and cute bags are also great, favorites are strawberry shaped purses or Pikachu backpacks.
  11. Fashionable nails are very common in most of the Japanese fashions. Try and find some colorful press-ons at a pharmacy or online.
  • Remember, Decora can also include black, as long as it still follows the Decora aesthetic of extreme layering and excessive hair accessories. Try adding an accent color such as yellow or pink to brighten up your coordinate and make it more pleasing to the eye. Without these important factors, your outfit is much more likely to be mistaken for emo, punk, goth, or other more well know fashions.
  • Do not expect anyone to know what a "Decora" is. The fashion is largely unknown outside of Japan and will be met with everything from polite curiosity to insults. Explain politely that you're wearing Japanese street fashion called Decora, and answer any questions as long as the asker returns your politeness.


    • Be prepared for staring and ugly comments. This is very, very common.  (<--- gissa om jag känner igen mej!!!)
    • Be prepared to give up Decora on certain occasions, such as school or work. (<-- hatahatahatahata)
    • Be prepared to be asked to be taken pictures with.  (<-- hahahahahaha fan va kul det skulle va om det hände xD)


    1. If your hair is straight, then wear a lot of hair accessories.
    2. If your hair is curly, wear ponytails (one to four) and a headband with a few large clips.
    3. Different colored hair is advised.
    4. Get choppy layers or short or long hair with long soft layers.
    5. The main thing is a lot of clips and bows, whatever style you like, whatever color you like but be creative!
    • The more, the better.
    • The cascading look works best if on each side of the head.
    • Put things in your bangs as well.

    Be prepared for strange looks.  (ooh yes)

    källa: , 

    Hoppas nån gillade det! ^^ Kanske skriver några egna tips också nån gång ifall nån överhuvudtaget är intresserad!



    ego-pic xD
    (alldeles för lite hårspännen, smink och allt för att vara "äkta" decora märker jag!!) Mobba inte bilden! >.<


    Postat av: Madde

    Jättebra! Haha, idag var det flera som bara stirrade på alla mina accesoarer xD Jag bara log fånigt mot dom och ryckte på axlarna! yääy :D hahahahahahahaha! Snacka om ÄGDA!!

    2009-04-15 @ 15:02:12
    Postat av: Anonym

    det här inlägget var jättepeppande! jag gillar decora och jag har tänkt börja klä mig så, men jag skulle bli mobbad i skolan. Mina föräldrar skulle också skämmas för mig, jättemycket. Men jag kanske ska böja ändå...

    2009-06-23 @ 21:46:25
    Postat av: vicci


    När jag och min kompis satt på tunnelbanestationen stirrade folk sjukt mkt på oss:3

    Vi var inte ens decora,hade bara lite hårspännen och färgglada kläder typ x)

    men det är kul när folk glor,då kan man glo tillbaka :D

    2009-08-15 @ 12:00:57
    Postat av: Ammie

    ^-^ jag är typ ochså "wannabe" decora OwO

    TwT att det måste vara så "hatat" en kille spydde ut en massa dumma ord till mig D: Men jag bryr mig inte MWHAHAHHAHAHA!!

    2009-11-26 @ 18:47:38

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